For whom:
Managers, Researchers, Scientists and Academics who are working in the fields of fisheries and aquatic resources in government, non-government and private sector institutions. The course is also suitable for graduates seeking entry to such disciplines
Duration :
Two years for Masters degree (MSc) with a exit window for one year Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip)
Course Fee : Rs. 295,000/-
- BSc in Biological Sciences (Zoology, Botany, Forestry, Environmental Science, Microbiology, Marine Science, Fisheries Science, Agriculture). or
- BVSc (Veterinary Science), BSc in Chemistry, Food Science, Physical Sciences, Geology, Geography or Oceanography. or
- Any other degree with at least 3 years of experience in the field of fisheries or aquatic resources. or
- Any other special qualifications considered appropriate by the University Senate equivalent to a degree recognized by the University Grant Commission with at least 5 years of experience in the fields of fisheries and aquatic resources.