Duration : 3 years
Course Fee : Approximately LKR 300,000/=. It can be paid in 6 installements (Two installements per year) [LKR. 2,740/= per credit]
B.Sc. Degree programme is designed to contribute towards raising the general educational standards of the public by providing an opportunity for higher education in Science. This programme facilitates those already employed in the field, and late developers to acquire a B.Sc. degree in their own time at an affordable cost. It specifically aims to:
(a) provide an opportunity for persons to obtain a Science Degree and thereby improve their promotional/career prospects
(b) enable, particularly those already employed in the field, late developers, and those who could not avail themselves of higher education at the end of their secondary school career to obtain a degree
(c) enable any person to pursue a degree course in Science in their own time at an affordable cost
(d) combine courses within and outside the Faculty to suit a student’s interest or job requirements.
The B.Sc. programme offers courses at Levels 3, 4 and 5/6, equivalent to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years of the B.Sc. Degree programme of a conventional university. Depending on the qualifications, a student can choose three disciplines from Botany, Chemistry, Pure Maths, Applied Maths, Computer Science, Physics or Zoology for the B.Sc. Degree.
A person seeking admission to the BSc degree Programme leading to the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Science shall be required to have four (04) options of admission;
Option 1
a minimum of three (03) Pass grades at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination, Sri Lanka, in any of the following three (03) science subjects among
Option 2
PASS grades in three (03) science following subjects in the Advanced Certificate in Science programme offered by the Open University of Sri Lanka
Option 3
A minimum of three (03) PASS grades in three (03) science subjects, obtained from the combination of Option 1 and Option 2
Option 4
An equivalent or higher qualification acceptable to the Senate (e.g. GCE Advanced Level – London can be considered with this option)
3 Years
Institute for Research Development - certificate program on Practical Skills in Molecular Biology and Genetics
3 months
Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IBMBB) - Training Course in Molecular Biological Techniques
5 Days