The Foundation in Arts is designed to enhance individual’s fundamental knowledge related to humanities with enhanced understanding in all the necessary aspects of arts & humanities to deal and manage global business workforce. This pre-university course provides an entry route for degree courses of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities along with Business studies. It facilitates students with the key advantage of grounding in their target degree via modules taught by academics from those courses.
Program Aim
The programme of Foundation in Arts aims to produce future graduates who are:
Knowledgeable to able to identify the facts, concepts, principles and processes in related field of foundation studies.
Capable of analyzing ethical values and societal benefit for different humanities areas in foundation course.
Able to develop leadership role with good team work and communication abilities to conduct different fine arts section like music, film using thinking skill.
Able to identify the opportunities of lifelong learning through professional development and develop entrepreneur skill for career enhancement in arts and humanities areas in foundation level.
10 Months
Teaching & Education
Foundation Program
Diploma in Education Management and Leadership
One academic year for full-time
PEARSON BTEC LEVEL 5, HND in Early Childhood Education & Care
24 Months