The Bristol Foundation Program offers a unique and enriched educational journey. This program is dedicated to equipping students with essential skills, including literacy, numeracy, proficiency in information and communication technology (ICT), academic excellence, and effective problem-solving. It is designed for those aspiring to pursue undergraduate studies, with a strong emphasis on empowering students for self-directed learning. This preparation is vital for successfully navigating the demands of university education and undergraduate studies.
Specializations – Business Management OR Accounting & Finance
Completion of O/L (Pass in 5 subjects with English and Math preferred)
Program Structure
CEN4003 English Proficiency 01
CMA4001 Foundational Mathematics 01
CEN4005 Academic Writing and Research Skills
CBA4008 Essentials in Business
CEN 4004 English Proficiency 2
CMA 4002 Foundation Mathematics 2
CBA 4010 Business Economics OR CBA 4013 Introduction to Financial Accounting
CBA 4009 Introduction to Marketing OR CBA 4014 Introduction to Management Accounting
08 Months
University Foundation
Foundation Program
10 Months
Days more
October 30