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Become a full stack marketer in just 12 months! - Apply now for September Intake!

Business & Management

Minimum entry qualification

The minimum entry qualification for this program is that the candidate has completed

G.C.E. Advanced Level Qualification (Local/London). 

Industry accreditation

The Diploma in Digital Driven Marketing holds industry accreditation, which means that it has been approved by a panel of professionals who ensure that the education and training provided by the program are of high quality and relevant to industry's needs.

The panel evaluates the program's content and structure before each batch to ensure that it includes all the necessary elements for success in the industry. Through their accreditation, the panel ensures that the course curriculum covers all the essentialskillsrequiredtobecomeacompetentdigital marketer,makingthosewho have successfully completed this program highly employable by organizations.

Furthermore, the accreditation guarantees that the program adheres to the highest standards in digital marketing education. 

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