The Department of Chemistry at University of Kelaniya presently offers theory and laboratory course units in Industrial and Environmental Chemistry for undergraduates and postgraduates. Most of the undergraduate and postgraduate research at University of Kelaniya is focused on issues related to environmental pollution, pollution control, biopesticides, polymers, medicinal plants and food.
From the national development perspective, Sri Lanka has pursued a policy of selective industrialization to meet the local production as well as to promote export oriented industries. Industrial development, which is necessary to generate employment and the economic growth of the country, must be integrated with environmental protection. For the profitable development of industries proper utilization of natural resources is required. Environmental pollution will be a major problem with the development of industries if adequate steps are not taken for cleaner industrial production. Hence, there is a need for personnel with a sound knowledge of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry for the betterment of industries in Sri Lanka.
Majority of graduates from Sri Lankan universities lack integrated understanding of the above two areas unless they pursue postgraduate studies. The opportunity to follow postgraduate studies in relevant areas is not available for a large number of graduates. In order to address the above issues three post graduate programmes in Industrial and Environmental Chemistry namely M.Sc. Degree in Industrial and Environmental Chemistry Programme (with course work and a research component , SLQF 10: 2 year duration, 60 credits), Master of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry (MIEC) Degree Programme (with course work only, SLQF 9: 1 year duration, 30 credits) and Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial and Environmental Chemistry (SLQF 8: 1 year duration, 25 credits) are proposed to be conducted by the Department of Chemistry, University of Kelaniya
Aim of the Programme
Aims of the Postgraduate Diploma, MIEC and M. Sc. Degree Programmes are to produce graduates and professionals with scientific knowledge and laboratory skills required by industries and organizations dealing with environmental protection.
In addition, the M.Sc. Degree Programme with course work and a research component would enable graduates and professionals to develop the ability to carry out research independently, in an area related to Industrial and Environmental Chemistry.
Objectives of the Programme
On the completion of the Postgraduate Diploma and the MIEC and M.Sc. Degree Programmes the postgraduates will gain adequate knowledge and necessary skills to solve chemically related problems in the areas of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry.
Further, on completion of the M.Sc. Degree Programme with course work and a research component the postgraduates will be able to make a significant contribution to the research and development programmes and pollution control programmes in industries and other organizations.
Programme Type: Onsite
2 Years
Masters / MBA
Higher Diploma In Biomedical Sciences
2 years : 4 semester programs mixed with blended learning modules.
Master of Science in Industrial and Environmental Chemistry
2 Years