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Bachelor of Science honours in Physics

Duration : 4 Years

Course Fee : LKR 2740/= per Credit in levels 3 and 4 ; LKR 3435/= per credit in levels 5 and 6

The Bachelor of Science Honours degree program in physics will provide graduates with a deep and broad understanding of physics. It covers both practical and theoretical aspects of the subject. It also includes strong research and self-Bachelor of Science honours in Physicslearning component.

Admission Criteria for BSc (Hons) in Physics

Please note that BSc (Hons) degree programme in 2 + 2 programme, which indicate that the students will admit to the level 5 of the Honours degree programme in Physics after successful completion of Level 3 and 4 of the BSc degree programme within four (04) consecutive academic years from his/her initial registration for the Degree of Bachelor of Science with the following minimum requirements are fulfilled.

  • A minimum of C grades for thirty (30) course credits of regular courses at Level 3, AND,
  • A minimum of C grades for twenty-four (24) course credits at Level 4, including twelve (12) course credits from the subject of Physics and, at least eligibility for sitting final examination for the other six (06) course credits, AND
  • A minimum GPA of 3.00 in course credits adding up to twenty (20) course credits of Levels 3 and 4, from the subject of PhysicsAND,
  • At least a Pass grade or Exemption for each of the continuing education courses.

Award of the Degree of Bachelor of Science Special Degree

The Programme of Study leading to the award of the Bachelor of Science Special Degree comprises courses adding up to a total of one hundred and twenty (120) credits of regular

courses and continuing education courses. To be considered for the award of the Bachelor of Science Special Degree, a student shall require to successfully complete:

(a) thirty (30) credits at Level 3 comprising eight (08) credits each from any three chosen disciplines and six (06) credits from among specified open elective courses

at Level 3, AND,

(b) thirty (30) credits at Level 4 comprising twelve (12) credits each from any two disciplines offered at Level 3 and six (06) credits from the remaining discipline

chosen at Level 3, AND,

(c) a minimum of C grades for thirty (30) course credits at the Level 5 of the Programme of Study; comprising twenty-four (24) course credits from the subject of specialization, including all the compulsory courses specified by the respective Department, and remaining six (06) course credits from any subjects and/or open elective courses at the Level 5, AND,

(d) a minimum of C grades for thirty (30) course credits from the Subject of specialization at the Level 6 of the Programme of Study, including all the compulsory courses specified the respective Department include a minimum of six (06) course credits of research component, AND,

(e) a minimum GPA of 2.00 in course credits adding up to one hundred and twenty (120) course credits at Levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Programme of Study

(f) a minimum C grade or exemption for the courses CYE3200, LEE3410/LTE3401 and CSE3213

For the award of the Bachelor of Science Special Degree, a student shall require to complete the above requirements within eight (08) academic years from his/her initial registration to the BSc Degree Programme. For the award of the classes of the Bachelor of Science Special Degree, a student shall require to complete the above requirements within six (06) academic years from his/her initial registration to the BSc Degree Programme. Those who do not complete within the stipulated period may exit at level 5 to be considered for the Bachelor of Science General Degree or at Level 4 to be considered for Higher Diploma in Science.


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