Degree of Bachelor of Education Honours in Natural Sciences [BEdHons(Natural Sciences)] Programme is an Inter-faculty programme offered by the Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education of the Faculty of Education, in collaboration with the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Open University of Sri Lanka. It is a programme with one hundred and twenty two (122) course credits with a minimum duration of 4 academic years. The first two years (Levels 3 and 4) will be devoted to the teaching of science subjects (Offered by Faculty of Natural Sciences concurrent with BSc degree programme) and the other two years (Level 5 and 6) to Education subjects (offered by Faculty of Education).
Admission to Level 3 of the Programme
A person seeking admission to the BEd (Natural Science) degree Programme leading to the award of the Bachelor of Education Honours in Natural Sciences [BEdHons(Natural Sciences)] shall be required to have four (04) options of admission;
Option 1
a minimum of three (03) Pass grades at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination, Sri Lanka, in any of the following three (03) science subjects among
Option 2
PASS grades in three (03) science following subjects in the Advanced Certificate in Science programme offered by the Open University of Sri Lanka
Option 3
A minimum of three (03) PASS grades in three (03) science subjects, obtained from the combination of Option 1 and Option 2
Option 4
An equivalent or higher qualification acceptable to the Senate (e.g. GCE Advanced Level – London can be considered with this option)
4 Years