The Doctor of Philosophy, a three-year full-time research degree,allows students to further specialize in an area of study or discipline by conducting extensive research in the relevant field. Students may be asked by the relevant Board of Study to follow a few recommended courses on a non-credit basis. The training aims at transforming a graduate to a highlyskilled scientific researcher with effective communication and interpersonal skills. This degree is placed at Level 12of the SLQF
Students can enrol to read for a Doctor of Philosophy degree in the following disciplines and specializations
Geography, Sociology, Archaeology, History, Political Science, International Relations, Sinhala, Tamil, English, Arabic, Economics, Management, Philosophy, Psychology, Education, Buddhist Studies, Pali, Sanskrit, Greek and Roman Studies, Fine Arts, Hindu Civilization, Islamic Civilization or any interdisciplinary area of study such as Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, Language Studies, Social Work, Public Administration, etc
Applicants with the following qualification may be admitted to Doctor of Philosophy degree programme:
A student registered for PhD degree programme at the PGIHS will be awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the discipline registered for upon successful completion of
Social Science & Humanities
Diploma in Professional Care Giving (Level 4)
6 Months, Fast Track - 2 Months