This course has been designed to provide the student with a wide range of highly specialized technical and scholastic knowledge and skills on the factors that influence the design of a variety of commercial fishing gear and methods, as well as the fishing methods required to produce high quality Seafood.
In addition to that students are provided industry oriented other competencies in Navigation, Seamanship, Fishing Vessel Maneuvering, Safety and First Aid. Special emphasis is placed on identifying options to reduce any negative impacts of fishing on the marine environment and to promote responsible fishing practices within the fishing industry. This unit provides the opportunity to conduct practical experimental work at sea including the observation and participation in the operation of a range of fishing gears and methods.
Further, it comprises with industrial knowledge with multitasking skills to fulfil the needs in supervisory level as well as the operational level professionals. On board sea practical are conducted in our vessels where it necessary. Career opportunities are available for fishing vessels in local companies and foreign countries like Japan, Korea, etc. which are highly demanding manpower for fisheries industry.
Introduction to Fishery Industry, Fishing Gear Technology-I, Oceanography and Meteorology, Marine Environment and Fishery Resources, Marine Communication, Marine English-I, Introduction to Physics, Workplace Information Management and Workplace Communication Management.
Sea Training and Fishing Operation, Navigation and Position Identification, Fishing Gear Technology-II, Fishing Vessel Stability, Mathematics and Planning and Scheduling work at workplace.
Seamanship, Fishing Vessel, Maneuvering and Handling, Marine English-II, Watch Keeping, Operate and Maintain Marine Engine, Hull and Power Plants Safety and Damage Control Post-Harvest Technology and Quality Control, Problem solving and decision making and Teamwork and Leadership
Seamanship, Fishing Vessel, Maneuvering and Handling, Marine English-II, Watch Keeping, Operate and Maintain Marine Engine, Hull and Power Plants Safety and Damage Control Post-Harvest Technology and Quality Control, Problem solving and decision making and Teamwork and Leadership
18 months
Vocational Training
Diploma / HND
BSc (Hons) in Engineering in Information and Communication Engineering
4 Year