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Engineering & Technology

BSc (Hons) Software Engineering – UGC Approved

Program Overview

BSc (hons) Software Engineering (4-year) Degree program approved by the Ministry of Education (MOE) under the Universities Act has been designed to produce skilful graduates while maintaining the local and international academic standards. With the course units offered, the graduates will be entering to the Japanese job market a unique set of skills with high demand. At the same time, this course prepares students to be independent in making choices for their career, self-employment and postgraduate studies. Students are not only trained in technical areas, but also in personal development, communication skills and entrepreneurship. 

The curriculum of this degree program has been designed and developed in accordance with the BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering curricula of global standards for degree level computing education. Programme is designed and developed based on undergraduate curriculum guidelines for five defined sub-disciplines of computing recommended by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), along with leading professional and scientific computing societies around the world including Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLQF), JF Standard for Japanese Language Education. 

Why this programme is special

As a Japanese based educational institute that serves globally, LNBTI takes keen interest in the Computer Science and Engineering needs of Japan. The sole aim of LNBTI is to produce software engineering professionals suitable for the Japanese industry. This degree programme consists of high academic caliber incorporating the most novel features in the relevant disciplines. For example, the proposed degree programme consists of practical components to ensure better quality in practical technological applications. As hands-on experience, skills, and research among Software Engineering professionals are essential requirements of the field of technology in Japan and therefore the degree programme includes a course component of a project. Japanese language is also taught up to professional level within the course in order to effectively communicate with various stakeholders relevant to Japan.

Hardworking & passionate students have the option of completing the full programme (all 4 years) at LNBTI in Sri Lanka or join one of our partner universities in Japan upon completion of the first 2 years at LNBTI in Sri Lanka. This is the first & only UGC-approved programme to have this unique flexibility for students to choose their preferred option. The most special feature of this programme is that all students can obtain a professional job in Japan in both these options upon successful completion of the programme.

Bridging Programme 

Bridging programme is for the students who are interested in pursuing a career in computing but have not followed the Physical Sciences stream in A/L or have not taken a subject combination that includes Mathematics and Physics. Curricula of the bridging programme are prepared according to the guidelines in “Non-State Higher Education Circular No: 02/2019”.  

Bridging program has to be successfully completed to enter into BSc Hons (SE) Degree programme at LNBTI for Non-Physical science stream students. Students should have 50% or more for the Foundation Mathematics 1 subject in the final examination of the bridging course. 


Graduates can join the industry in Japan or any other country as IT professionals in the field of software engineering and programming, testing and quality assurance, database administration and development, software architecture development, business analysis, systems integration, project management, quality assurance, network administration, etc.

Main employment sectors include: 

  • Software development industry: state and private organizations that provide ICT solutions to public and private sectors. 
  • Large enterprises
  • Academia 
  • Research  
  • Self-employment (Entrepreneurs/Software service providers) 

Approved by the University Grants Commission under the Universities Act


4 Years


Engineering & Technology

Course Level


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