Local GCE (A/L) examination
A candidate should have obtained a minimum of three (03) “S” passes in Biological stream (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) or Technology stream (Biosystems Technology, Science for Technology AND one other subject from the elective list; Economics, Geography, Home Economics, English Language, Accountancy, Communication and Media Study, Information and Communication Technology, Art, Business Studies, Agricultural Science, Mathematics) at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) examination (GCE A/L) – SLQF 2.
Should have obtained minimum of “C” passes for English, in G.C.E O/L Examination or any other equivalent foreign examination.
Cambridge/ Edexcel examinations
A minimum “D” pass for (Mathematics/ Physics/ Biology) in any of the following examinations
1.General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) (UK)
2.General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Pearson Edexcel or Cambridge
Should have obtained minimum “C” pass for English in G.C.E O/L Examination or any other equivalent foreign examination.
4 Years