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Computing & IT

IDM Nations Campus - IDM Diploma in Web User Interface Development

Course Overview

IDM Diploma in Web User Interface Development is one of a specially made qualification for Web based solution developers in order to fill their knowledge GAP in front end development with modern flavor. This qualification totally delivered as hands on experience targeted qualification, which delivered by guest lecturers from leading web development firms from India.

Back in the day, websites were simple, static text sites with a bit of formatting and maybe even some animation. That was all thanks to HTML and CSS. But how did we get from there to today, where we interact with sites, fill out forms, play videos, and load parts of other websites within a page—all without clicking refresh?

It’s important to note that front-end development has changed significantly over the past 10 to 15 years with the explosive growth of JavaScript, which wasn’t as ubiquitous on the front end as it is now, or even as common on the back end, thanks to Node.js. Before JavaScript was such a big player, even a PHP developer could work in front-end development—a crossover that’s less common now than it was then.

So this qualification accepts any level of individual who has sounds knowledge in computing. Then they can convert themselves in to modern UI designer and developer.

This qualification is suitable for individuals who are looking in to get thier knowledge in

  • Basic web development to Advanced web development
  • To solve the GAP from traditional UI development in to Ultra modern UI development
  • Modern web development tools
  • Modern web front end development tools

You can start this qualification even with your OL results with your sounds knolwdge in computing.

Payment Terms

Initially when you join you have to pay - LKR. 15,000.00

Remaining can be paid in monthly Installments - LKR. 10,000 X 3 Months

Class Schedule

  • Week Ends - Only on Sundays from 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM (04 Months)
  • Week Days - Two days per week in the afternnon (04 Months)
  • Crash Delivery - Seven days at stretch each (07 days)

* For Crash delivery Installment payments are void, only one off payment is required

HTML: The Organizer

HTML is how every site on the web is organized, so it’s a big one you can’t live without in front-end development. HTML5 is the latest HTML specification. Get a full run-down of this evolving backbone of front-end web technology and learn about one of its cooler features, Canvas.

JavaScript: The Multitasker

What was once a supplementary tool to make web pages more interactive is now the most ubiquitous client-side technology. JavaScript is more than just a language—it’s an entire ecosystem that spans frameworks, task runners, server-side development, and more.

CSS: The Stylist

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are how developers add styling and effects to a website. Styles can be added globally, then layered on without changing that fundamental styling that gets applied to a whole site.

Angular JS

AngularJS is a comprehensive, open-source JavaScript framework that solves the problem of developing SPAs by extending the functionality of HTML with directives. AngularJS famously describes itself as “what HTML would have been, had it been designed for building web apps.” The framework places an emphasis on simple modular code and test-driven development.


Bootstrap started out as an internal style guide created by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter to bring consistency to all their UI components. Bootstrap has come a long way since its initial public release on August 19, 2011—at the time of this article, it is the second most popular repository on GitHub, and is the most popular front-end framework for the web. Staying true to it’s namesake, Bootstrap’s goal is to get you up and running with a functioning, professionally styled website as quickly and efficiently as possible.


4 Months


Computing & IT

Course Level

Diploma / HND

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