The duration of the programme is eight semesters (four years). The medium of instruction is English.
Graduate Profile for BSc Hons Nursing
At the end of BSc. Nursing programme the graduates will:
- Relate the knowledge of normal & deranged structure & functions of human body in delivering nursing care.
- Recognize epidemiology of common diseases, clinical manifestations & the rationale for management.
- Assess health status and identify client’s health needs in administering nursing care.
- Deliver primary health care including maternal and child health care.
- Counsel and educate individuals, families and community in health promotion.
- Apply knowledge of behavioural sciences and ethical & legal principles in professional practice.
- Work as effective member or leader of a health team, recognizing their different roles.
- Conduct research and disseminate the findings
- Use information technology in routine nursing practice
- Communicate effectively in English, Sinhala and Tamil with patients, families and health- care team
- Assume responsibility for continuing learning in nursing practice.