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Social Science & Humanities

Colombo Institute of Research & Psychology - CIRP - Professional Diploma in School Counseling

Course Overview

School psychology is a field that applies principles from educational psychology, developmental psychology, counseling psychology, community psychology, and behavior analysis to meet the learning and behavioral health needs of children and adolescents. It is an area of applied psychology practiced by school counselors and school psychologists. They often collaborate with educators, families, school leaders, community members, and other professionals to create safe and supportive school environments.

School Counselors and School Psychologists carry out psychological testing, psycho-educational assessment, intervention, prevention, counseling, and consultation. They are uniquely qualified members of school teams that support students' ability to learn and teachers' ability to teach. They apply expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior, to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally.

Professional Diploma in School Counseling

This program designed to equip individuals with knowledge and skills required practice as School counselors to provide psychological support to students.

Insights and skills gained through the program will help them better understand behaviors and thinking patterns of children and adolescents in order to support them in various issues and in different contexts. Students will study psychological development of humans from early childhood to teenage, identify abnormal behaviors and thinking and how to support children in these conditions working with parents and teachers.

As opposed to a traditional child psychology program this will approach the concepts from an applied aspect and discuss issues during teenage, which is very important in working with school children.

Aims & Objectives

Upon successful completion students will be able to :

  1. Understand the normal cognitive, social and moral development from early childhood to adolescence.
  2. Demonstrate core knowledge in Biological, Cognitive, Developmental, Behavioral, Psychodynamic and Social approached to psychology
  3. Apply psychological theories to improve the quality and effectiveness in parenting, teaching and supporting vulnerable children
  4. Identify Psychological conditions in children and teenagers and decide how to support children and parents in these conditions
  5. Apply psychological insights & skills to counsel school children with problems working with parents and teachers
  6. Conduct non clinical psychological assessments to identify strengths and weaknesses of children
  7. Plan and conduct awareness campaigns to prevent child abuse, to protect and support vulnerable children

Program Delivery

Program is delivered using modern teaching methods and training techniques that inspires the minds of the students creating enthusiasm, interest and motivation to explore further in to the field. A variety of methods from face to face lectures to case studies, journal discussions, workshops and seminars, small group discussions and group activities are used to create and maintain passion of the students.

Program Structure


Duration                              Standard : 01 Year           

Delivery                               On Campus / Online

Modules                              12

Compulsory                        12

Electives                              N/A

Credit Value                       180 UK Credits

Level                                   05 (RQF Standard)

Classes                               Sundays

Awarding Body                 Colombo Institute of Research & Psychology

Accreditation                     Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission  Sri Lanka

Credit Transfer                  Available

Transfer abroad                  Available

Progression                        Higher Diploma / Bachelor’s Degree / Master’s Degree


Module Structure


Core Modules (Each module is worth 15 UK RQF Credits)


1              Introduction to Psychology                                         

2              Biopsychology                                                                  

3              Cognitive Psychology                                                    

4              Developmental Psychology                                        

5              Social Psychology                                                            

6              Psychological Disorders of Children & Adols.       

7              Counseling Children & Adolescents                        

8              Educational Psychology                                                

9              Forensic Child Psychology                                           

10           Sexual Offenders                                                            

11           Psychometric Assessments                                        

12           Supervised Training                                                         


 Placement & Supervised Training

Students who wish to improve their practitioner skills by obtaining a supervised training and/or placement may benefit from the supervised training programs provided by CIRP life center, CIRP’s own psychotherapy and counseling center.


Assessments are designed to ensure that the students have achieved the required learning outcomes. Students are provided opportunity to take a range of assessments that will empower students to face the various different challenges and demands of their work life upon graduation including written examinations, essays and assignments submitted online, individual and group presentations, social media projects, mini research projects.

Pursue a fulfilling career with a psychology degree in Sri Lanka. Gain deep insights into human behavior, develop essential counseling skills, and make a positive impact in the field of mental health. Enroll today and begin your journey in psychology!


1 year


Social Science & Humanities

Course Level

Diploma / HND

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