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Foundation programs have become very popular among students who are seeking early entry in to university education. In a fast paced world, students and parents are both keen to gather their knowledge and skills at a younger age. Completing qualifications early enables them to start working or engaging in further studies before the others and therefore gain a competitive advantage.
Traditional entry path to university is completing your school education with A/L. All reputed universities require a minimum of two A/L passes to entry bachelor’s degree programs. However more and more students are now interested in entering university as early as possible. As a result of that they resort to foundation programs, another path to university entrance. Students enter foundation diploma programs after completing their O/L and within a year they are able to complete the foundation and start their first degree in the university.
Expedient – Students could save up to 3 years (Gap after O/L + 2 years A/L + A/L results release) through a foundation which is only 1 year
Economical – Students are able to save millions of rupees spent on school fees, examination fees, tuition, daily transport to school
Qualify Young – Soon after foundation, students could start their bachelor’s degree and complete their bachelor’s degree by 20.
Become Independent - By starting to work early, they become financially independent at a young age
Rapid Crarrer Growth - Early work experience they gain will support them progress in their career much faster than others.
Guaranteed Entry – Chance of entering the degree program is much more higher compared to the fail rates of A/L examinations
Complete Focus – In foundation programs you usually learn only what is essential for your bachelor’s degree.
1 year
Social Science & Humanities
Diploma / HND
The Chiththa Advanced Psychological Studies Open Institute of Sri Lanka - Advanced national Diploma in applied psychology & professional counselling practices
BSc (Hons) in Psychology (TOP UP) – London Metropolitan University (UK)
National Institute of Social Development - Diploma in Social Care
21 Months