Sat for GCE (A/L) Sri Lankan/ London in Biology stream (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics/Agriculture) with a credit pass for English in G.C.E (O/L) /or a simple pass for English in GCE (A/L) Sri Lankan/ London
Sat for GCE (A/L) Sri Lankan/ London in Biosystem technology or Mathematics or Commerce or Arts stream with a credit pass for English in G.C.E (O/L) /or a simple pass for English in GCE (A/L) Sri Lankan/ London
Completed GCE (O/L) with a credit pass for English and a recognized advanced certificate in Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical/ Cosmetic sciences (SLQF 2)
Completion of the CINEC Advanced Certificate of Health Sciences (SLQF 2) (this is not necessary for students with 3 passes for A/L in Bio Science Stream as mentioned above or for students with Advanced Certificate course with SLQF 2 in Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical/ Cosmetic sciences with GCE O/L as mentioned above)