To provide opportunities to use English as the language of business
To improve English for international communication in both professional and social contexts
To develop fluency and accuracy
To review and build on the grammar for business communication
To enhance and develop their vocabulary for business communication
English for Business Communication is taught using the recommended Cambridge University Business English textbooks, along with class audio and video CD. The course will cover the 4 main English Language skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, and
Speaking. Each session will comprise 4 sections:
1. Language focus – Grammar items presented in realistic contexts, chosen to both reflect meaning and use. The Learners analyze data and examples from listening or reading texts and are then guided to work out rules.
2. Word power –Presents effective strategies for organizing and learning vocabulary.Topics are chosen for their interest and usefulness, and develop the learner’s range of key vocabulary.
3. Skills focus – has longer listening and reading texts, adapted from authentic sources, which provide further exposure to the target grammar of the unit and develop listening, speaking, and reading skills.
4. Focus on functions – presents and practices basic key phrases which professionals need for socializing and business communication
Provides the student contextual grammar, vocabulary, and language functions required to effectively communicate in writing in the formats such as reports, business letters, e-mails, memos, and minutes of meetings.
Enhances presentation skills and speaking in meetings.
The student must have a “C” pass for G.C.E. Ordinary Level Examination
4 Months
Business & Management
Bachelor of Business Administration (Direct entry to final year)
12 Months